This album shows the mumble cross hair (small green dot) between my blue CS crosshair to show it is centered in the screen. I created a hybrid of solutions provided by Boulop, Mstarr and ChickenNWaffles in order to meet my needs. I wanted a custom crosshair/reticle and using a mumble overlay sounded more appealing to me than running an overlay program combined with Tribes in windowed mode.

In some games like CSGO, this will work on fullscreen-windowed/windowed. Simple external crosshair overlay, requires.Net v4.5. CrossHair gives users the possibility to enable or disable the process, assign a hotkey for triggering the operation, and hide the mouse cursor when the lines intersect.

Run the developer version of overwolf, open the 'Settings' window, go to 'Support' and click the. Either clone the github repository or in your browser click the 'Download ZIP' button at the bottom of the right-side panel and then extract that zip somewhere.